Pre-Order Your 23/24 Yearbook

Our 2023-2024 Yearbooks are now on sale for pre-order. We are using the same company as last year, Tree Ring. Orders will be taken until March 18, 2024. Orders will be taken via Tree Ring's website.

Soft cover book - $19.80
Hardcover book - $25.22
*prices before tax

How to order a Yearbook:

  1. Go to

  2. Enter School's Passcode - 1016317319153056

Tree Ring offers the customization of two (2) free pages. If you would like additional pages, they are $0.99 each. These are printed just in your child's yearbook. Tree Ring allows you to upload photos from your computer, Facebook, Instagram, Google Drive and more. Answer fun memory questions to help make your pages special.

Yearbooks will be delivered to McGowen and distributed in mid-May.

*Information regarding 5th Grade dedications has already been sent out through the 5th Grade teachers. Please reference your emails from your teacher or see below for the 5th Grade dedication info. All dedications must be received by March 18, 2024.

If you have any yearbook related questions, please email us at

Help with the Yearbook!

Did you take an amazing photo at a Mav Fan Jam? Or maybe at a class party? Please share with the McGowen Yearbook committee. Scan the QR code or the link below to share your photo(s) with our Google Drive. Thank you for sharing!


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